Anne Karin ten Bosch, Scenographer and Visual Dramaturg
Between 1992 and 2010 I worked as a scenographer designing for many companies and independent theatremakers in The Netherlands, dance as well as text based theatre and almost everything in between. Trained as sculptor in the tradition of 'autenticity', I was keen on and fighting with the so called real and the fake. I developped my own works crossing the borders of performance, art and design creating performance-installations. Later on these kind of works were within The Netherlands uneasily called ‘experience-theatre’. You will find a selection of my works on this site.
Since many years I am longing for and working on a better reflection on scenography and its working processes within the Dutch theatre. Between 1999 and 2009 I was teaching scenography at the University of fine arts in Groningen. In 2008 I started the masters Theatre Studies at the Utrecht University for the same reason; an attempt to find language to describe and reflect on the mechanisms and strategies of scenography. The basic question is: if ‘it works’, howcome it does so?
In 2010, I just started my thesis and research on ‘a scenography/dramaturgy for the un/safe public space’, when a traffic accident changed my abilities. Adjusting to these changes I started with a research period at the HKU University of the arts Utrecht developping a ‘toolbox for reflecting on and analyzing performative and interactive design' for teachers and students.
I am one of the founders of the Dutch Platform-Scenography, a platform open to all kinds of scenographers and dramaturgues. We aim to make this interesting field of art more visible, to search for language to describe and analyze scenographic working and thinking and to create exchange and connections with other fields and disciplines.
Platform-Scenography is responsible for the Dutch entry called 'Between Realities' at the Prague Quadrennial 2015 (see also: www.betweenrealities.nl).
photography: Tineke de Lange (unless otherwise mentioned)

Alles Is Verlicht
Concept en video-ontwerp. Ontwerp Ruimte (ism Barbara Kroon).
Een spel met het geheugen. Het publiek bevindt zich in een tent waarop de schaduwbeelden en videobeelden geprojecteerd worden. De schaduwbeeldenontstaan door voorwerpen die rondom de tent, maar uit het zicht hangen. Lees meer
Een Ander Land
Ontwerp ruimte en videobeelden.
Op wollen doeken trekt vertraagd een panorama van de Rotterdamse nacht voorbij. Daaronder de speelvloer, uitgerekt over de volle breedte van de eigen zaal van Bonheur. Voor dit gezelschap ontwierp ik behalve de voorstelling 'Een Ander Land' ook Lees meer